8:13 PM
If you dont have the Phantasy Star Online Client visit this article on How to Download Phantasy Star Online Client

Now you have the Phantasy Star Online 2 Client and you wonder how to install it. Since it is a Japanese version. I will help you on how to install by following my instructions

Open the downloader.exe which you have downloaded.
The client will pop-up and display this image below.
As you can see the image above. You can change the directory of the shortcut of Phantasy Star Online 2.
It is optional but it is recommended because shortcut's are time savers if you put on desktop
Now click the ORANGE CIRCLE in the image above.
Click the Yes and you will be directed to installation part.
Click the left button with a character of (N) which means Next, the other button is for cancel.
You will see a two choices because this is the EULA or End User License Agreement.
Select the first choice which has a character of (A) or Agree then click the (N) next button again

As you can see the image above, This is the Directory of where you want PSO2 to be installed. It is useful if you want to save in other directory or in other drives, It is Optional though.
Click the Next (N) button and it will install the required data files of PSO2

Click the shortcut client like the image above.
The client will do the rest of downloading the required data files of PSO2
Just wait because the data is big, It is around 3.3 Gigabytes

The next article would be on how to have a account for PSO2
If you have a questions just comment below


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